April News at inSPIRE Rock Cypress

Hi, inSPIRE Friends and Family,

This past month has been a lot of first experiences. We hosted our first Spring Break camp, watched our first the wall prom proposal, and we’re extremely happy she didn’t “leave him hanging” (oh, I see what you did there 😊), and most importantly, we saw a ton of new faces and new climbers in the gym.  We are so grateful and appreciative of your support and help as we work to expand our community here in Cypress.

On April 27th, we’ll be hosting our first USA Climbing youth competition.  Some of the best youth climbers in the country will be competing, so make sure to mark your calendars to come out and watch these crushers.  Better yet, get a ringside seat, sign up to help belay, judge, or assist with traffic control.  No experience is needed as we’ll be training in advance.  More info on that is coming soon!

Thanks again for choosing to climb HIGHER and live inSPIRED!  You are what makes inSPIRE the most inSPIRING Climbing Community in Texas.  Now turn off your phones, quit reading this email, and get climbing! ; )

Climb ON!
Bryan & Christina Robins

  • APR 01

    First Monday for First Time Guests

  • APR 01

    Family Night
    Your whole family can climb for just $37!

  • APR 21


  • APR 27

    USA Climbing Youth Competition
    GYM CLOSED ALL DAY but we’ll need volunteers!