Happy Holidays and New Year inSPIRE Friends & Family!
We hope your holiday season is filled with joy, family, friends, and lots of climbing. This time of year is always special for us as we reflect on when we first opened our doors on December 26th, 2013. As we celebrate our 5th year in the Houston climbing community, we’re thrilled to see it growing and thriving! When someone asks what makes inSPIRE Rock so special in this community, there’s only one answer: the people! Thank you for 5 years of climbing HIGHER and living inSPIRED with us!
This holiday season, we’ve got you covered for all your climbing needs, including a holiday gift guide below! Read on to see what’s going on here at inSPIRE Rock. Lots of deals, bargains, and Santa is even bringing a significant update (hint: fitness room).
- Specials: We have lots of specials this holiday season! From Gift Card Specials (FREE $25 Gift Card for every $100 Gift Card Purchase) to Special Holiday Pricing (Discounted Day Use Rates) to Membership Specials ($0 Enrollment Fee for New Members) and more, we have it all to help you get more bang for your buck!
- Family Night: In the hustle and bustle of the season, spend some time with your family at our place! Join us again this Monday, December 3rd, for Family Night, where entire immediate families can climb for just $37, including harnesses!
- Special Hours: We’ll have some special hours this month for the holidays, so stay in the know with text alerts!
We pray that this will be a special time for you and your family. As we look to the New Year, we look forward to making many more memories with you and yours! Thank you again for being a member of “the most inspiring climbing community in Texas”!
Climb ON!