Hello, inSPIRE Friends & Family,
We are excited to kick off the summer on June 1st with our inaugural inSPIRE Rock Summerfest. This Saturday (6/1), we will host this fun event at both our Spring and Cypress locations. Discounted day passes, harness rentals, free classes, raffle/door prizes, and even free food/drink await you. Check out the posted schedule, tell a friend, and make plans to join us!
Do you have kids, or know any kids that are ages 6 to 12? Encourage them to sign up for one of our many summer climbing camps! Kids will experience an incredible week of:
- Fundamentals of climbing technique
- Fitness
- Friendships
- and plenty of FUN!
Choose between our half-day or full-day options. Sign up today!
Lastly, be sure to welcome all our new members to inSPIRE Rock. We know you’ll show others how our climbing community is the “most inspiring in Texas”. : )
Climb ON!
Paul Short