A “Short” note from Paul – August

Paul’s Note

Summer is starting to wind down.  I hope everyone has had a chance to spend time with family and friends this summer.  There are lots of things going on, and we want to make you aware.

  • inSPIRE Cypress – we are waiting for final permits to begin construction.  We’ve been told that we can come at any time.  We’ll keep you posted on that progress.
  • inSPIRE San Antonio?? – Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?  That’s right.  We are planning to expand and grow outside the Houston market.  Many of you know San Antonio has few indoor climbing options.  We plan to change that.  We’ve acquired land (see map below) and are in the “due diligence” phase of building this gym.  If everything goes as well as it has thus far, inSPIRE will build our largest gym (yes, even a bit larger than Cypress).  The estimated opening should be late 2018/early 2019.  Again, we’ll keep you posted regarding our growth and these latest projects.


  • inSPIRE Rock & 5.ATE Café in the News! – In the last couple of weeks, we were honored to have Patricia Lopez of ABC 13 Houston reach out to us and offer to spotlight us as a great INDOOR activity to beat that summer heat!  You can check out one of the live video segments here:

The 5.ATE Café was privileged to sling some burgers on Fox 26 Houston’s morning news program Party on the Patio with Ruben Dominguez! Shout out to Chef Kris, who did a great job serving some tasty burgers for Ruben and the crew! You can check out one of the live video segments here:

  • NEW Text Alert System – We’ve got a new text alert system, so sign up to know about upcoming events, specials, schedule changes, route settings, and more!
  • Special gym hours to be aware of on August 5th, 8th, & 14th – Please read the special gym hours above and share this information with all your inSPIRE friends.
  • Forge Community Church will begin meeting at inSPIRE Rock Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 AM starting August 13th.    I wanted to inform you if you drive by and see cars in the parking lot.  This doesn’t mean they’re climbing.  The church will meet in the yoga room during those times. Pastor Zach McGaughey said that anyone and everyone are welcome to attend.  You can find them on Facebook and Instagram or email them for more info: forgecommunitychurch@gmail.com

Thank you again!

Climb ON and live inSPIRED!
Paul Short
