Edit Membership
Please complete the Membership Change Request Form below to update your payment method, change, freeze ($10/month/person), or terminate your membership.
Please call us if you have any questions about the benefits of freezing your membership vs. termination.
For all other billing inquiries, please fill out a contact form, and we will get back to you within three (3) business days.
Keep In Mind
We here at inSPIRE Rock strive to take care of our climbing community. Before you freeze or terminate your membership, here are some things you may want to know:
If you have a Monthly Membership, you must submit your Membership Change Request Form by the 20th of the month for it to take effect the following month. Example: If you submit on January 20th, your membership change will start in February. If you submit on January 21st, your membership change will begin in March. If you have a Pre-Paid Membership, the membership change will occur on whatever day you select.
If you terminate your account and rejoin as a Monthly Member later, you will pay the enrollment fee again ($59) and the current monthly rates.
If you freeze your account for $10 a month (per membership frozen), you will not have to pay the enrollment fee when you reactivate again ($59)! You will also get to keep whatever rates you were paying when you freeze your account (unless your account was prescheduled for a rate increase).