Monthly Membership Terms & Conditions

Monthly Membership Terms and Conditions

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Terms and Conditions

    Please read the following terms and conditions and then check the box below to acknowledge that you agree to the terms and conditions of a monthly membership.
    • Membership dues will be automatically drafted on the 1st of every month.
    • In order to freeze or terminate a monthly membership, the member or member's guardian must fill out and submit the Membership Freeze & Termination Form for each member on the membership for which that the change is applicable by the 20th of the month to take affect the next month.
    • If a family member on a family plan terminates or freezes, then the monthly membership dues will adjust to the proper amount for each remaining member. E.g.: If a secondary member freezes, the third member will begin paying the secondary member rate.
    • If in the event the member fails to submit the Membership Freeze & Termination Form prior to the 20th of the month, the member will be solely responsible for the payment of any and all membership dues.
    • If in the event the membership has a past-due amount, then all affected members will not be able to climb at inSPIRE Rock until all past due accounts are settled.
  • : )
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Membership Terms & Conditions


Please fill out the Monthly Membership Terms & Conditions Form for yourself.  You cannot fill out the form for anyone else 18 years old or older.


You must be 18 years old or older to sign the Monthly Membership Terms & Conditions Form.  If the member is younger than 18, the parent or legal guardian must fill out and sign the form and will also be agreeing to the terms and conditions.
