chalk bag

Spooktober Gear Highlight

Spooktober Gear Highlight

By Lucas McDevitt

Wake Up!  September has ended, and it’s the spooky time! What better time to express your creative personality as October rolls around than with the always fun 8b+ creature chalk bags! From the ever-classic Felix (below left) to Halloween-themed bags such as Stan (below right), you can always find a bag to fit your personality!

While these bags may seem to be more on the childish side, who doesn’t need an outlet for their inner child and some spontaneous fun for their climbing gear? Regarding harnesses, there are only a handful of options, and shoes are based on what fits your foot. The chalk bag lets people let their personality shine and get creative!

chalk bag

Let’s make the most of your climbing and get you a bag that screams your personality like Donald (above left) or helps you plunder your latest project like Paul the Pirate (above right).  No matter your choice, these chalk bags will brighten your day and keep climbing fun from start to finish!

Find the right gear for your climbing adventures at our gear shop today!
