A “Short” Note from Paul
You can certainly tell it is back-to-school time around here at inSPIRE Rock. The busy summer crowds may be gone, but that doesn’t mean the fun’s over at inSPIRE Rock! Read on!
- Back-to-School Bloc Comp! – It’s back! Our third annual (V3.. get it?) bouldering comp will be held on Saturday, September 24. We will host the USA Climbing Youth for the first part of the day, but the second half is dedicated to hosting you. It’s always a great time, climbing fun routes and enjoying food, fun, and friends. We’ll have awesome swag, too! Read on for more information or sign up today:www.inspirerock.com/comps
- New & Improved Youth Recreational Programs: We kicked off our new youth climbing programs this past week! Orange Squeeze 1 is for kids 4–10 and meets Tues/Thurs afternoons from 4:45 to 5:45. Orange Squeeze 2 is for kids 7–11 and meets Tues/Thurs evenings from 6:00 to 7:30. We still have openings in Orange Squeeze 1; for more information, visit our website: www.inspirerock.com/climbing-teams
- 5.ATE Café: You may have noticed our new bar/counters and chairs in the café. This should give you folks more room to enjoy those delicious meals.
- Bouldering Mats: Due to a production issue, what was supposed to be an early September install has now been pushed back to late September. Our new goal is to install these incredible bouldering floors by our Back To School Bloc Comp on September 24th.
- FiveStars Loyalty Rewards Program: If you haven’t signed up for the FiveStars loyalty reward program, you’re missing out on discounts and FREE stuff! Sign up today and start taking advantage of your rewards!
Thank you for making the climbing community here at inSPIRE Rock so special! Let’s continue to Climb HIGHER and Live INSPIRED!
Climb ON!
Paul Short