• Climbing is inherently risky.

    At inSPIRE Rock we have developed a training method which strictly follows industry standards in order to minimize the risk associated.

A Word on Climbing Safety

Climbing is inherently risky.  The climbing industry has developed systems for securing the climber that, when used correctly, do not fail.  Climbing gear manufacturers put their equipment through rigorous testing to ensure the highest quality and maximum load-bearing capacity.  This commitment to quality has turned a sport once considered extreme into a mainstream activity.  Unfortunately, the inherent risks associated with climbing have not changed… i.e., gravity works.

The term “belay” is a nautical term that stands for “hold fast.”  This means the belayer takes an active role in securing the ascent and descent of the climber.  There is a high level of personal responsibility and accountability for everyone involved. This reason, coupled with the inherent risk associated with climbing, is why a liability waiver is needed.  No one climbs without signing it.

  • All climbers & belayers must first accept personal responsibility and sign the release of liability waiver. Anyone under the age of 18 must have the filled out by a parent or legal guardian to climb or belay.

At inSPIRE Rock, we have developed a training method that strictly follows industry standards to minimize the risk associated.  The training focuses on proper belaying, equipment use, knot tying, and general climbing etiquette. It emphasizes the importance of being active and attentive as a belayer or climber. All climbers and belayers must take personal responsibility for their own safety.

Children are certainly welcome at inSPIRE Rock, but for the safety of all climbers, all children under the age of 14 must be actively supervised by a parent/guardian or adult at all times. Children who are repeatedly unattended may be asked to leave the gym.

Suppose you don’t know how to top rope belay and want to learn how to, sign up for a Top Rope Belay Class (offered several times a week). This class is not mandatory for those who already know how to belay; a simple belay test is available for those already proficient. It is, however, the only way to learn top rope belay at inSPIRE Rock.

In top-rope climbing, the rope is secured to anchors at the top. The climber’s rope is always above the climber, and they are never subjected to a fall if they let go of the wall. To top rope climb or belay at inSPIRE Rock, you must meet the following criteria:

Top Rope Climbing Requirements:

  • An adult must accompany climbers under the age of 14
  • Use an industry-manufactured harness
  • A harness must be snug with a waist belt above the hips and doubled back

Top Rope Belaying Requirements:

  • There is a 14-year-old age requirement for belaying. There are a few exceptions.
  • Use an industry-manufactured belay device and harness—no figure 8s or stitch plates.
  • A harness must be snug with a waist belt above the hips and doubled back.
  • Use a retraced Figure 8 with a minimum 7-inch tail tied into the correct points.
  • The Belay device must be appropriately set, and the Belay carabiner must be locked.
  • Be attentive and stand while belaying.
  • NEVER drop or let go of the rope with your break hand.
  • Be able to alternate between belaying and lowering without compromising the brake hand.
  • When lowering, the brake hand must not exceed the 3 o’clock position (or 9 o’clock if left-handed).

Lead climbing is a ground-up style of climbing. In lead-climbing, the climber secures their rope to anchor points in the wall as they ascend. It is referred to as the “sharp end” of the rope. If the climber falls, they will fall to his last clipped anchor point. It is a specialized form of climbing that takes a higher level of skill and knowledge.

Suppose you don’t know how to lead, belay, or climb and want to learn how to sign up for an Intro to Lead Class (offered a few times a month). This class is not mandatory for those who already know how to lead belay or lead climb; a simple lead belay or lead climb test is available for those already proficient. It is, however, the only way to learn lead climbing and belaying at inSPIRE Rock.

To lead-climb at inSPIRE Rock, you must meet the following criteria.

For a copy of our Lead Climbing & Belaying Policy, click here.

Lead Climbing Requirements:

  • Climbers must be 14 years of age or older to lead the climb. There are a few exceptions.
  • Be able to climb 5.10 with no difficulty
  • Understand back-clipping, z-clipping, and rope management
  • Clip between waist and head
  • Be willing to take a reasonable fall cleanly

Lead Belaying Requirements:

  • Meet all criteria for top-roped climbing
  • Belay facing the wall at all times
  • Keep minimal slack in rope – rope cannot touch the ground
  • Be able to dynamically catch a lead fall with minimal rope play and without losing control

Bouldering is an exciting and trendy sport. With this increase in popularity, inSPIRE Rock heavily emphasizes proper falling and spotting techniques. Even with state-of-the-art flooring and right fall and spotting technique, bouldering is a high-risk sport. It is essential to take responsibility for your safety. Every fall is a ground fall. If you have problems with your legs or back, bouldering can be dangerous. If you have any questions about safe practices, do not hesitate to ask.

Bouldering Requirements:

  • Children younger than eight (8) may not go into the main bouldering areas.
  • Children 8 – 11 may not climb above the red line on the main bouldering areas.
  • Be courteous of other climbers and be aware of fall zones.
  • Use a spotter on tricky or difficult moves.
  • When possible, climb down after you have finished your bouldering route. Topping out (climbing up and over the bouldering wall) is prohibited.
  • Don’t boulder unless you know how to fall.

Climbing is an incredible sport that builds strength both in the mind and body but is also inherently risky. Each climber must take responsibility for their safety. To make your visit positive, be courteous to your fellow climbers and be conscious of your surroundings. Follow the proper protocol set by the gym and climb on!

Fill Out a Waiver

Fill out our digital waiver and skip the wait in line!

Fill Out a Waiver

A waiver is required for every person who enters the facility, whether adult or child, climbing or non-climbing. Fill out our digital waiver and skip the wait in line!


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